Anastasia's Ancestral Healing Spread

I’ve been meditating on the energetic and spiritual causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Science, of course, points to DNA. The only relative I know who suffered from this disease was my paternal Grandmother, Jedviga. Recently a message came through that I should work with Jedviga’s ghost to heal some intergenerational trauma. I got solid confirmation the message was accurate, so began to consider how to do this.

None of the ancestral healing spreads I found online seemed to fit what I wanted to know, so I decided to make my own spread to learn more about Jedviga, the disease we share, and how to energetically heal this bloodline.

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Anastasia Katsikaris
Best Method to Clear a Vintage or Used Tarot Deck

Hi Anastasia! My husband gifted me with a Faustino Solesio Genova tarocchi deck from the early 1900s … what’s the best method to clear it?

Undeniably the best way to cleanse any item is to start with good ol’ soap & water ... But what about Tarot Cards? You can’t wash those with water. Well you could … but … SOGGY!!! If you want to know how to “dry clean” your new-to-you tarot cards, read on.

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Mars Saturn Planetary War, Yoga of Tarot Revised Edition and a Trip to India

April 4 marks the exact conjunction of two powerful malefics, Mars and Saturn. We’ve already felt the precursors of this yuddh ( planetary war) with the outbreak of a devastating war in Ukraine. As both planetary and geo-political tensions affect all of us, our greatest challenge and gift is to create peace within. Meditation and prayer is a way to let your inward peace reverberate outward into the world. Charitable acts or donations are especially powerful on Saturdays or Tuesdays.

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January 23, 2021 - Rahu Ketu Archetypes in Tarot: Vedic Astrology & European Alchemy

How did the alchemists and astrologers of Renaissance Europe view Rahu and Ketu? In this on-line class we’ll explore the fascinating parallels between Jyotish, European alchemy, and Tarot.

January 23, 2021 - Rahu Ketu Archetypes in Tarot: Vedic Astrology & European Alchemy for Komilla Sutton’s Sixth Annaul Fresh Talents of Jyotish conference.

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Rahu-Ketu, the Karmic Axis, 2020 Planets in Retrograde, World Healing Mantra

As an astrologer with very little toilet paper I’ve often wondered - could I have predicted the Covid crisis? With 2020 hindsight, it makes perfect sense that the crisis arose when Rahu, significator of diseases, was extremely strong in the Nakshatra of Ardra.

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